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The Places to Enlist After Moving

Posted on 15Apr 2011

You finally move into the new house and all of your things are arranged and displayed according to their functions and uses. The only thing you need to do to feel the belongingness of that particular location is to know what is in the neighborhood and nearby places. Let's identify some of the places you need to check and see.
Emergency Cases Areas
These areas refer to the places where you need to go during emergency situations. They include hospitals, dental clinics, evacuation centers, police station and fire station.
Workplace and School
You must know how far or near your office is from your new house. This same thing applies when it comes to knowing the distance of the school of your children. if you are too far away from the places you used to go, then it is very important to spot some locations where you can find a new job and a new school for your kids.
Recreational Areas
Moving to a new place would be incomplete if you do not know the places where you can relax, unwind and get entertained. You need to pamper yourself and your family during the weekends too or after a long tiring day at work and school. So ensure to know the right places to go to if you need relaxation and entertainment.

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